Has somebody made a claim for construction work on you that you think is unjust?

Do you feel as if you are being ripped off or being taken for a sucker? Then you may be a Respondent and Outcome Management Pty Ltd can help you.

If you are reading this then it is most likely that you have been served a payment claim for construction work or construction related goods and services. In that case you may be a Respondent and you may be exposed to an action by a Claimant using one of the various Building and Construction Industry Security of Payments Acts in Australia.

If you want some general information continue on, if you want some immediate advice contact us by email.

There are different security of payments acts in the various states of Australia. When deciding which security of payments act applies you need to consider where the actual construction work was carried out.

In which state is the construction work site located?

New South Wales
Australian Capital Territory
South Australia
Western Australia
Northern Territory